Series Stellar Reflector LED Sin Conductor
El Reflector LED de la serie Stellar fue diseñado para reemplazar los proyectores halógenos. El diseño compacto y la alta eficacia del LED hacen que toda la lámpara tenga un rendimiento y un coste muy elevados. La carcasa de aluminio y el vidrio templado hacen que toda la lámpara tenga protección IP66 y resistencia a los golpes IK08, por lo que puede usarse ampliamente en garajes, áreas públicas, fachadas de edificios, áreas de construcción y vallas publicitarias para aplicaciones tanto en interiores como en exteriores. El ahorro de energía es de hasta un 90 % en comparación con los reflectores halógenos. Con un soporte de montaje flexible, la lámpara es muy fácil de instalar.
- Vatios: 10w,20w,30w,50w
- Eficiencia lumínica hasta 120 lm/w
- Controlador LED integrado
- Protección IP66 y resistencia IK08
- Soporte de montaje en ángulo e inclinación de hasta 180°
- Ángulo de haz amplio con 110 grados
- Vivienda optimizada con precios económicos
- Disponible para sensor PIR

Series No | Series Stellar |
Potencia | 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W |
Eficiencia | 115-120lm/W |
Voltaje de entrada | 220-240/277 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz |
Factor de potencia | >0.90 |
Protección contra sobretensiones | 2KV |
IP | IP66 |
IK | IK08 |
CCT | 4000K, 5000K |
CRI | Ra>80 |
Temperatura de trabajo | -40°C a + 50°C |
Ángulo del haz | 110° |
Opción de montaje | Montaje en soporte |
Garantía | 2 Años |
Certificación | CE, ROHS |
Control | Sensor PIR |

Preguntas Frecuentes
What’s a Driverless led floodlight ?
Might the eventual fate of LED be driverless?
Many believe the LED driver to be the bottleneck in LED floodlight and bulbs. Yet, how might the LED get by without it, particularly in an environment that is turning out to be ever-centered around the wellbeing impacts of lighting (glinting and such)?
It is generally realized that LED is 70-90% effective when contrasted with radiant and halogen, notwithstanding a significantly longer lifetime. In any case, it has become dependent on the LED driver to be fueled because of the way that LED lights are driven by DC voltage while our main power supply is AC. Hence the driver’s basic role is that of an AC to DC converter, changing over the AC power from mains to an appropriate DC voltage that resolves the LED light.
Driver-less AC LED Lights – How did we get here?
While not conspicuous in the commercial center yet, Driverless LED light frameworks are beginning to acquire a foothold. AC driverless LED bulbs can be straightforwardly connected to AC mains without a LED driver required. This dispenses with the power misfortune experienced during the AC to DC transformation, as well as taking out one of the expenses in assembling the LED. As referenced over, perhaps the greatest thought is the flashing brought about by more seasoned LED lights, which can for the most part be credited to the old LED driver circuits.
Driverless LED lights are fueled by an AC LED light motor, which changes the electrical energy over to the lumens of the light. These AC LED light motors can be a circuit board with LED chips mounted in them, permitting them to be handily fastened into an AC attachment.
Be that as it may, it wasn’t simple getting it to work. Starting endeavors at driverless AC LED light motors brought about disappointment. The LEDs in these frameworks were associated in an enemy of equal way, as one side of the sets is forward staged and the other is an opposite stage. This prompted a proficient framework with a powerful element, yet one tormented with glimmering. These frameworks required twofold the LEDs, as the forward set would continue and afterward change to the opposite, delivering a glimmer result noticeable by the natural eye.
The following endeavor at driverless AC LED was created, with the objective to bring down the LED chip counts. Rather than twofold the LEDs, an extension rectifier diode is used, permitting both negative and positive cycles to go through the LED and keep it on during the two cycles. However, more work was expected to get the glinting to die down. An exchanging regulator is added to the circuit to exclusively control the LEDs, keeping them at a similar level as the LED voltage matches the electrical cable voltage.
What are the Advantages of Driver-less LED floodlight?
- Driverless LED structures are less difficult to manufacture and fee less with the driver issue axed.
- The shape is not difficult – LED products can be designed in diverse styles and sizes with the driver out of the equation.
- Advanced flicker index, making it perfect for offices, hospitals, and education packages.
Some of the leaders in Driverless AC LED light engines are the typical big LED names, from Cree to Samsung. Expect to see this technology researched and enhanced over time, as manufacturers look for improvements in efficiency and user experience with more and more consumers cognizant of the cost and health effects of lighting.
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El Mejor Proveedor & Fábrica & Fabricante de reflectors LED en China
ZGSM como el mejor fabricante, fábrica, proveedor y exportador de reflectors LED comerciales e industriales para exteriores en China desde 2005. La fábrica cuenta con las certificaciones ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 e ISO50001. Tenemos una rica experiencia en la fabricación de reflectores con las siguientes ventajas y servicios :

¿Por qué elegirnos como su proveedor de reflector LED en China?
Disponible para hacer OEM/ODM/SKD para todos los reflectores. No hay límites de MOQ para minoristas, mayoristas y empresas de ingeniería de luces de inundación LED.
Como proveedor confiable de reflectores, tenemos existencias de materia prima para reflectores, el tiempo de entrega regular es de 3 días para muestras y 2 semanas para productos a granel.
Utilizamos controladores LED y chips de alta calidad estable como el controlador y chips Philips para todas las luces de inundación. Proporcionar 5/7 años de garantía al precio más barato.
Nuestras lámparas de inundación LED están aprobadas por ENEC, CB, CE, RoHS, IECEE, SAA, y nuestra fábrica cuenta con las certificaciones ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 e ISO50001.
Espectáculo de certificación
Como principal fabricante de reflectores LED en China, nuestros reflector LED cuentan con certificación completa e informes de prueba, como ENEC, CE, CB, IECEE, SAA, ROHS, UL, IEC62471, LM80, LM79, etc.

LED | LM80 | √ | |
LUMINARIAS | EN/IEC 60598-1 y 60598-2-3 | √ | √ |
IEC 62471 | √ | ||
EN/IEC 60529 | √ | ||
EN/IEC 62262 | √ | ||
EN/IEC 60068-2-75 | √ | ||
EN/IEC 55015 | √ | √ | |
EN/IEC 61000-3-2 | √ | √ | |
EN 61547 | √ | √ | |
EN 61000-3-3 | √ | √ | |
LM79 | √ | ||
ISTMT | √ | ||
TM-21 | √ | ||
LM82 | √ | ||
LM84 | √ | ||
ISO9007 /ASTM B117 | √ | ||
IEC 60068-2-6/ANSI C136.31 | √ | ||
LED MÓDULO | EN/IEC 62031 | √ | |
LED CONTROLADOR | IEC 62384,IEC 61347-1,IEC 61347-2-13 | √ | √ |
SPD | EN/IEC 61643-11 | √ | √ |
FÁBRICA | ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO50001,ISO45001 | √ |
Equipo de I+D
Pruebas de Producto
Para garantizar la alta calidad de cada producto, realizaremos más de 30 aspectos diferentes de pruebas en nuestro propio laboratorio antes de que el producto salga al mercado. Después de pasar todas las pruebas, el producto puede aprobarse para su comercialización. En la producción en masa, para algunas pruebas básicas de seguridad y rendimiento, realizaremos pruebas al 100 % para garantizar que todos los productos entregados al cliente sean perfectos.